Old School Businesses Require New School Customer Experience

Old School Businesses Require New School Customer Experience

It’s critical for companies in old-school industries to ditch the ‘we’ve always done things this way’ mindset and begin listening to what consumers want — nay, expect — and that’s a personalized digital experience.

I remember when our company members and roster of clients preferred to communicate over the phone instead of email, clocking hours of time just to close one deal. We also used the internet in a limited capacity, choosing instead to take orders via fax. It was a different time, all right.

But, today, with the rise of the millennial cohort, everything has changed — even for a drug-testing company. In short, millennials are slowly but surely becoming the coveted buyers of not only B2C, but also B2B products and services. According to Accenture, millennials spend roughly $600 billion per year, and Pew Research Center tells us that this age group now makes up the bulk of the U.S. workforce.

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