
6 Ways To Convert Social Forces Into Buying Decisions
Consumers have a long memory, and will test your consistency, based on prior experiences and feedback from peers. A single bad or inconsistent experie [...]
The Best Way to Setup a Drop shipping Business Quickly
Is your business looking to get started with dropshipping? Here we explain what drop shipping is, plus the pros and cons and some tips. The first hon [...]
What’s the Difference Between Brand Positioning and Brand Strategy?
"Brand positioning and brand strategy play complementary roles. Without a brand strategy to back it up, brand positioning risks being a hollow stateme [...]
How a Marketing Hack That Cost Less Than $1 Led to One of Richard Branson’s Biggest Successes
A little creativity can be worth millions in paid advertising (no daredevil stunts required). If you can't do what Richard Branson does for marketing [...]
How to Make Your Product Truly Irresistible to Buyers
We all dream of marketing a product with no resistance or objections whatsoever on sales calls. Imagine a potential client being thrilled by the chanc [...]
Why Your Marketing Must Sound Like A Broken Record
When it comes to small business marketing, the broken record metaphor is one you want to keep close at hand. In short, repetition is your friend. Do [...]
How to Come Up with Great Blog Content
You probably know that content marketing is a powerful way to market your company online. It's a way to demonstrate your expertise and increase your o [...]
Study of Logos Shows Which Kind Is Most Effective In Branding
Is your logo too simple for its own good? To explore whether and when brands benefit more from descriptive or non descriptive logos, we conducted seve [...]
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