Why Outsourcing Non Revenue Generating Tasks Is the Ultimate Growth Hack

Why Outsourcing Non Revenue Generating Tasks Is the Ultimate Growth Hack

Time is money–so how can you make more time? Here’s how to remove job clutter to reveal strategic growth performance and input from your employees.

Investing too much time in low value-add tasks guarantees that your company will leave lots of money on the table. Employees bogged down by repetitive tasks such as creating reports, data collection and data entry inevitably dedicate less time to more strategic initiatives that grow your business.

Up to 40 percent of a typical employee’s time is spent doing non-strategic work. The loss in productivity and revenue this represents is staggering: Workers spend at least 69 workdays a year completing repetitive tasks that could either be automated or outsourced. That adds up to nearly $5 trillion in lost productivity worldwide every sing

Outsource Your Repetitive Tasks…

Use This To Compliment Your Business To Increase Productivity….

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