Why You Need To Worry About Your Job

Why You Need To Worry About Your Job

Much as I hate to be a Debbie Downer on the future of work, I will lay it out straight: Millions, if not tens of millions of jobs, are going away due to automation.

Much as I hate to be a Debbie Downer on the future of work in the coming years, I’ll be blunt: Millions, if not tens of millions of jobs, are going away due to automation.

If you are early or in the middle of your work life, you need to be concerned about this trend. It’s not some paranoid fantasy about robots taking over. It’s happening now and is accelerating.

I know that scant attention has been paid to this subject. But there are ongoing changes in the global economy that are supporting this premise. I have some deep insight into this trend after researching and writing my book “Winning in the Robotic Workplace: How Prosper in the Automation Age.”

Are you one of the millions whose job will be affected? Care to change that?

How about starting a business using AI?

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