Your AI Efforts Won’t Succeed Unless They Benefit Employees

Your AI Efforts Won’t Succeed Unless They Benefit Employees

Workers need to know AI is here to help — not steal their jobs.

Automation and AI are often perceived by companies that leverage them as an important source of labor productivity. Many workers in such companies, however, tend to see the adoption of these and other technologies as putting their jobs in jeopardy or creating more stressful workplaces.

Recent research highlights the dichotomy. While increased robot use contributed approximately 0.4 percentage points to annual labor productivity growth in major developed countries from 1980 to 2014, every additional robot per thousand workers that was deployed in the same period reduced the employment-to-population ratio by about 0.2–0.3 percentage points and wages by 0.3%–0.5%. While information and communications technology in the same period and same countries contributed to one-third of total economic growth, technology diffusion in enterprises has contributed in likely the same proportion to increased worker stress.

Have you integrated your business with AI or Artificial Intelligence?

How AI can integrate with your workers..

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