What Is A Sales Funnel And How Does It Work?

What Is A Sales Funnel And How Does It Work?

Get a breakdown of the popular sales funnel model and what it can do for your business

MARKETING – The top of the sales funnel is where prospective customers engage with your brand before deciding to buy. Marketing teams can use both digital and physical channels to increase conversion rates at this early stage. For example, automated email campaigns can be triggered when prospects download an ebook, and leads that are most likely to buy can be prioritized in your CRM software. It’s vital that marketing teams have an overall view of funnel analytics, including conversion rates per customer vertical and location. This can help determine advertising budgets and how large the top of the funnel should be to achieve desired sales figures.

Are you using email marketing for lead generation, what if there’s a better way?


Have You Tried This lead generation strategy?

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