First holiday with a baby

First holiday with a baby

After becoming a mum last November, journalist Nicola Agius was excited for her…

How many do you need? Which type is best? Babylist Scout Julie gives you 5 quick tips to find the best bottle for your babe

We flew with Air Malta, which allows you to check in a car seat and collapsible buggy completely free of charge! As our buggy is travel system-compatible, we put Louis in his car seat, which was attached to the pram, until we got to the departure gate. Just before we boarded, a member of staff took both items to store in the hold and they were returned when we arrived in Malta at baggage reclaim.

Once we were on board our flight, we were given a special seat belt for Louis, which was strapped around him while he sat on my lap. On the advice of some friends, I decided to start breastfeeding Louis just before takeoff to help prevent any potential discomfort from his ears popping. This trick worked like a charm – so much so, Louis fell asleep before takeoff and remained in the land of nod for pretty much the entire journey.

If you’re worried about a potential poonami mid-flight disaster, as someone who has been there and bought the T-shirt, I can assure you that there are baby changing facilities on board flights and not to panic! It not only happens, it’s more common than you realise.

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